From Shadows to Light
Zoom Worshop
Manifesting the Love you Desire
Saturday August 21st
The Manifestation of the love you desire begins with the relationship you have with yourself.
After 30 years together, my husband and I called it quits on our marriage. The separation triggered a deep need in me to investigate the role I played in abandoning my own needs and attracting unhappiness into my life.
Armed with a psychology degree, I unpacked years of limiting self-beliefs and emotional trauma that had originated in my childhood, and throughout my adult life. What a blessing the separation turned out to be! Emerging on the other side of pain, I began embracing the lost part of myself , and moved more fully into unconditional love for self, and others. The deep levels of healing that I undertook, held me strong when I was later diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, then nursed my ex-husband until he passed away after his own diagnosis with cancer.
And now, I want to help you walk a path to healing and wholeness, so that you too can begin to love yourself. So that you too can attract the kind of love you desire to experience from others.
1997 Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology)
1998 Certified Art Therapist
1998 Certified Sandplay Therapist
2000 Certified Emotional Release Counselling
2003 Clinical Hypnotherapy (Induction)
Work Experience
1997-2019 Current Counselling Practice
2015 Community Engagement Facilitator (Aust Catholic University)
Middle management & administration (varied positions)